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Response to Tides vs Waves

Yes, my friend, I must agree
There’s nothing better than poetry
To soften my heart, and allow me to hear
All the things you’ve shared on the blogosphere


Firstly I’d like to let you know
Just how much I love you so
And appreciate all your determination
To fine-tune our hearts to the same ‘station’

Your message is simple and yet so deep
And yes, I am open, and yet I still weep
But the tears are those of being so moved
By the love and the care you so much infuse

I am sorry for my part in the misunderstandings
And I also feel sure that our awareness is expanding
We are learning so much, as we continue to flourish
Weve weathered the storms and revealed great courage

I too am so happy with how close weve connected
And I see your concern of it being affected
I see how important it is to be
communicating and sharing constantly

I thank you for all your gratitude and praise
For my hard work in the home that I hope’s not a phase 😉
Your encouragement and smiles make my heart sing
If I am a Queen, then you are my King!

I’m glad to have learned from what we’ve lately discussed,
We are not “you and me”, we are really an “us”
I see its important to carve out time
To share with each other, including in rhyme!

I thank you again for the poem you wrote
The expressions of dedication and love it connotes
This poetic initiative has opened new doors,
I’ve liked all you said and I’ll say “I’m yours!”